Runa by Twitch

User Experience

Meet the team

Claire Jung

Sanam Singh

Michael Kaake

Olivia Georgalas

My role

UX/UI Designer

Branding Designer


1 month


Branding & UX Design

What's the concept?

Streamers can take a while to get on, which means less time users are spending interacting on Twitch. Runa gives gaming fans an engaging, chaotic lobby game to play with each other while waiting for their favorite streamers to go live.

Learning about Generative AI.

Generative AI can be called a creative form of AI. It mimics human creativity, coming up with high-quality generated content. The generative AI process starts with feeding a large language model (LLM) huge amounts of data — pretraining dataset content. This makes Generative AI perfect for operating an AI Game Master that can weave an infinite amount of play styles & stories.

Why did we go with Twitch?

Twitch is the dominant platform for streaming, specifically video games. It’s constantly being used by viewers and streamers around the world.

Streaming is a long format platform and can take a lot of time, blank space & simply viewers can get bored.

Runa would offer more ways for users to engage on Twitch and offer something for the community to interact with.

Learn more
Design System

Streamers can take a while to get on, which means less time users are spending interacting on Twitch. Runa gives gaming fans an engaging, chaotic lobby game to play with each other while waiting for their favorite streamers to go live.

Runa by Twitch

Copyright Michael Kaake © 2024

Michael Kaake
Digital Designer


Copyright Michael Kaake © 2024