


Meet the team

Elijah Hassan

Michael Kaake

My role

Product Designer

Branding Designer


3 months


Branding & Marketing

What's the story with Honeymoon?

With the onslaught of music festival and landmark tours throughout this decade, we wanted to create one for a more niche audience: Lana Del Rey fans.

Immerse yourself in the glamour and mystique of Honeymoon Music Festival. This unique event celebrates alternative music through the captivating lens of Lana Del Rey's artistry. Expect a lineup of genre-bending artists echoing Lana's signature sound and vintage Hollywood aesthetic. Picture dreamy soundscapes, captivating vocals, and a touch of retro rebellion all on the beaches of California. It's the perfect escape for music lovers seeking an unforgettable experience steeped in cinematic nostalgia.

Design System


Our main logo features the Marons typeface, previously seen in the marketing materials from Lana’s 7th album Chemtrails Over The Country Club.

Across the Brand

The branding system we created is seen across the entire Honeymoon brand including posters, merch, music, etc.

Color System

All of our color choices reflect Del Rey’s work, and fit into the vintage aesthetic we used for the branding.


Along with Marons, we’re using Roboto Condensed for all of our headlines, body copy, captions, and other text elements. We chose this typeface because it worked well with our vintage album artwork inspiration. The typeface is also extremely readable and offers a lot of variety.


The Honeymoon music festival is designed to give fans a once-in-a-lifetime experience with Lana Del Rey and her iconic discography.


Copyright Michael Kaake © 2024

Michael Kaake
Digital Designer



Copyright Michael Kaake © 2024